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Why are coffee breaks good for productivity?

Why are coffee breaks good for productivity?

The excitement over a perfect cup of liquid gold in the workplace is real and the 'coffee break' is taking over our traditonal work culture as the new daily norm.

In fact, if you're sitting at your office desk right now, chances are you have just returned back from a coffee break or craving your next cuppa fix!

A morning coffee is no more just a wake-up call, it has led to millions of workers leaving their desks piled up with work to join the workplace caffeine clan in their breakout space for a quick cuppa catchup on all things work and play. Be it an espresso, latte or the Perthian trend of a long mac topped up, the beans are an allure from the chaotic reality.


So, what is all the hype? Let us dive into some of the reasons why cuppa breaks are espresso-ly important in workplaces :) 

No room for stress!

Amidst large workloads, exhausting tasks and meeting targets, stress and an anxious work environment may seem like a regular day to you. But you are just a single Cuppa away from the much-needed peace. Researchers believe that caffeine has the power to reduce your stress and anxiety levels, essentially by helping the brain release dopamine which is the 'feel-good' hormone important for mood regulation. This is a sure sign to add coffee breaks in your routine every day!

The unsaid weapon for productivity.

Sure, coffee breaks can impact your work hours, but the time away from your workload only affects your productivity positively. All these pretty little lattes can reduce fatigue, enhance memory retention and boost alertness therefore improve work performance. So have a break, go grab that cuppa and come back at full-force ready to tackle anything and everything that comes your way.

Meet up with your workplace buddies :)

"Hey, want to go for a coffee break?"

Coffee breaks create a positive workplace culture which is of great benefit for any work space environment. New friendships are made whilst building connections which in turn strengthens the overall team rapport and morale, making for a strong team that will work well together and support one another. We say a grande YASS to a brief break - relax, unwind and engage with your coworkers around the office coffee machines - who knows who you will connect with next!

Buzz sessions around our coffee machines.

You're sitting at your desk, have a mental block and need a kick-start.. ahh, this is a good time to take that break before you revisit where you left off. While you may run out of innovative ideas once in awhile, you are just a Cuppa away from regaining focus and creativity. Walk on over to your office coffee machines, pour your favourite Cuppa blend and let the brew work its magic ;)


With hectic schedules and pending deadlines, our Cuppa Cartel office coffee machines are here to make your work life that little bit easier. Cuppa Cartel will become your favourite ally with our specially crafted local roasts, getting you through the day in an extraordinary way, a daily Cuppa Experience like no other. 

Wanna bring this to life in your workspace? Let's make it happen :)

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